Spirits Speak Through Automatic Handwriting
There are very few people in the world that can do automatic handwriting. Automatic handwriting is having the ability to blank your mind so that a spiritual entity can speak through you. This process is hard because it requires someone to have absolute mind control.
When I was a boy of only 13, I had an idea in my head to allow the Holy Spirit to speak through me. I had never heard of automatic handwriting. It was not until I turned 18 that I knew what I had been doing was called automatic handwriting. I never read a psychic book as a child. I only read the Holy Bible. I don’t know where the idea came from because I never knew anyone that practiced automatic handwriting.
Writing an Entire Book Using Automatic Handwriting
When I began allowing the Holy Spirit to speak through me, I would write for hours on end nonstop. I wouldn’t have to think about what I was writing because I was allowing the Holy Spirit to speak through me. I once wrote 100 pages in 16 hours. My hand kept on moving and writing at the same time. I would ask the Lord to please use me to write down a message. I didn’t know who the messages were for. I knew that I was being led to write them.
I remember telling my parish priest about my spiritual gift. He was not fond of automatic handwriting. He thought that evil spirits may be using me to write down what they wanted. However, all my writings were giving praise and glory to Jesus Christ. I never prayed to Satan and my everyday goal was to please God.
I learned early on in my life that not everyone was going to accept automatic handwriting as an art. Many people are not comfortable with this idea because they don’t know anything about it.
Interesting Reports of Automatic Handwriting
A man by the name of Fernando Pessoa made interesting reports that his hand was being taken over by a spiritual entity. He claimed that this spiritual entity would lift his hand up in the air and cause him to write. Another woman by the name of Georgie Hyde-Lees claimed that she had the gift of automatic handwriting as well. Another woman by the name of Sri Aurobindo claimed that she would do automatic handwriting by simply allowing a spirit to speak through her.
In non-Christian practices, some people find that using an Ouija board helps them to do automatic handwriting.
It is possible to do automatic handwriting when you are awake or asleep. Spirits can sometimes take over the person and cause them to gain spiritual energy.
It is possible that the subconscious mind can take over a person to have the effects of automatic handwriting. However, many men and women that practice this say that they often get messages about something that they have no knowledge of.
Psychics often use automatic handwriting to discover a person’s name or someone that is attached to a crime. Many psychics have been able to pick up information using their automatic handwriting.
It is possible that automatic handwriting is nothing more than the subconscious mind at work. However, if that is the case, then the mind can know the past, present, and future without ever being in the same place of what they are predicting. Many psychics have picked up accurate information with the use of automatic handwriting. They often pick up on names, dates, times, and locations. It’s not unheard of to see psychics gaining information this way.
Should You Use Automatic Handwriting?
In many ways, automatic handwriting was an introduction to me giving psychic readings to people. I eventually learned that I can use my spirit guides to speak through me when giving a reading. This is a skill that I learned over the course of 30 years. I believe that spirit channeling is real and that most people cannot obtain the gift. Psychics like Edgar Cayce were able to perfect this gift. He was able to give psychic readings about almost any topic while in a sleep-like trance state.