Weird Dreams?
Dreams are a part of every person's sleep. They come to us when we least expect them. Many people say that when you eat Fig Newton’s you tend to dream more. I have had that experience many times in my life. If I have a pack of Fig Newton’s, I tend to dream for hours on end. There is something about figs that make you dream.
Dreams come to us when a certain level of communication is going to come to us. We can easily learn to live with our dreams if we learn how to interpret them. A good dream book is Understanding the Dreams You Dream by Ira Milligan. I say this because the others describe what your dreams can possibly mean and how to get through them.
The power behind a dream says a lot. We will often dream about falling off a cliff if we feel fear about something. Perhaps we fear losing a job or a love interest. No matter what the fear is about, there is always a dream that comes and communicates to us what it can be. We often have to look at our situation and say that there must be an explanation behind our dream. Sometimes we can interpret our own dreams. In order to do this, it is necessary to take a notebook and start writing down what you think your dream means. After that, you can easily look into your life and say, “What can this dream possibly mean.” With prayer and wisdom, you can figure out the nature of your dream and what it really means. For the most part, you will have a definition before you know it. Many people forget to journal their dream. If you do this, you will find it a lot easier to understand yourself and the future that you have created for yourself. Don’t worry if you fail at understanding your future. Not many people understand who they are or where they are headed in life. Life can change for so many different reasons. Most people say that they are trying to figure out something new because they want to visualize where they are headed. That concludes are article about how weird are your dreams.