spells for levitating objects

spells for levitating objects

by Feb 8, 2023spells

Spells for Levitating Objects In Great Detail

Spells and witchcraft are taboo in many religions. Not many conventional religious groups support the idea of spell casting and witchcraft magic. But with time things have changed and now people from various walks of life are accepting witchcraft as a useful art that can make their life easier and better.

Religious groups like Wicca, new age beliefs, and the amalgamation of various other groups that believe in the spirit and the supernatural power of the universe have made this ritual magic so popular these days. This ritual magic is one of the most mysterious magic practiced nowadays. This kind of magic does not belong to any particular group or sect. It also does not follow the basic rules of white magic or even black magic.

Spell to levitate objects can be considered under this ritual magic that has a definite ritual of its own. This is one of the most extraordinary spells that can actually levitate objects at a considerable height.

Spell to levitate objects is one of the exotic spells that you may be interested in learning if you are really interested in paranormal activities and witchcraft. This is quite a tough spell to learn and practice. It even takes months to master this spell. While you learn and master this extraordinary spell you actually harness the cone of power. You may face many barriers and difficulties while you practice the spell to levitate objects. But if you manage to do it once you will be able to do it again with ease. Given below is the instruction for spells for levitating objects.

• Step 1 – Primarily you have to select the object you would wish to levitate. It will be a good idea to start with a lightweight object like a pencil or pen since you are learning the spell.
• Step 2 – You will need to choose a quiet place where you will not be disturbed for some time.
• Step 3 – You will need to turn off everything that can distract you in the middle. It will be good if you can turn off the ringing phone and doorbells.
• Step 4 – Now you have to position the object that you will levitate in front of you.
• Step 5 – Focus all your attention on that particular object and then you will need to concentrate hard using all your energy to move the object.
• Step 6 – While you are focusing on that object you will need to control the energy both outside and inside of yourself and then you have to start raising your energy or cone of power so that the object moves. You may keep your eyes closed or open.
• Step 7 – You can use some levitation spells and keep your focus on the object. There are different types of spells to levitate objects. You can choose a simple spell and try it. • You will have to focus on it for at least half an hour. If the object does not move you will need to try it after some time.

Requires Lots Of Patience & Practice

It requires a lot of practice to levitate an object. You will need to practice the spell every day for about half an hour till you become successful.

Levitation spells are one of the most amazing spells that can be applied on various objects to lift them up to a considerable height. This spell follows the ritual of white magic and thus it is not harmful To cast this simple levitation spells that work you will require a good amount of practice. To acquire the perfection of lifting any object can even take months. And while you acquire the perfection, you know the secrets of the levitation spells.

It will be wise enough to start with a lightweight object while you decide to use and practice the simple spells for levitating objects that work. Levitation spells are considered some of the most powerful spells in white magic. And while these spells are also called flying spells they actually defy the gravitational pull of the earth.

It requires a lot of energy and concentration to make the spell work. It is to be remembered that these spells need to be performed with extreme caution. It is said that if this spell is cast very powerfully on an object, then it might not come back to the earth again. But this is an extreme case that does not happen always. On the other hand, if you do not concentrate then you will not be able to lift even a feather.

Simple levitation spells that work requires a perfect ambiance for the spell casting. When you decide to practice the levitation spell, you will require a very quiet place in your house. You will need to find a place where no one will disturb you for some time. It will be good if you can turn off the doorbell, phone, and other equipment.

While you start casting the spell, you will need to meditate and concentrate. While you focus and concentrate on the object you have selected to levitate you may keep your eyes open or closed. It will be wise to select a lightweight object like a pencil, pen, or even a feather while you are beginning to practice. It will be easier to lift a lighter object in the beginning.

While you are practicing simple levitation spells that work you will need to concentrate hard on the object for at least half an hour and think about the spell light as a feather, stiff as a board and repeat it as many times as you can. You can try it for thirty minutes, if the object gets lifted from the ground then you can consider yourself to be a success, but if it does not get lifted, then you will need to practice more.

Spells For Levitating Objects Conclusion:

Rarely it happens that one can lift an object in his first attempt. So you need to practice the use of the simple levitation spells that work every day for half an hour. You will require to concentrate and focus on the object while casting the spell. A lot of energy is required to cast this spell so a lighter object will be easier to practice. And as you get acquainted with this spell, you may start lifting heavier objects. You will need to increase your range while practicing. That concludes our post about spells for levitating objects.  Check out our other blogs!  Also, learn more about Psychic Chat Phone.

Acey Tia

Acey Tia

Acey Tia is a professional Psychic and Wig Specialist with over 10 years of experience in the beauty and metaphysical industry. She specializes in intuitive readings and wig styling. Acey Tia has a passion for helping others and enjoys providing guidance and insight to those seeking clarity and understanding. With her knowledge and expertise, she is dedicated to providing her clients with the best possible services in order to help them achieve their desired results.