Looking Into a Crystal Ball
A crystal ball is an object by which one’s future can be predicted. As the name suggests, this object is round in shape and readers of this object claim to see the future of a particular person. These balls first made their appearance in the hands of the Celtic tribe which existed only in Britain and were used in the art of divination. This object later caught the fancy of thousands of readers, who then claimed to get an insight into the lives of people by interpreting what was shown in the ball.
Although a crystal ball is not known to ‘show’ the people who interpret it, direct pictures or images of any sort, most of them claim that it helps them in clearing their minds and getting a direct path to observing the life of the individual sitting with them. The information that they gather from it, is then interpreted in various ways. This is then told to the person who is interested in getting any information and he chooses to make decisions based on the advice given. However, if he feels that the reading or the interpretation was not satisfactory, he is free to deny the recordings and proceed in the direction he wants to.
The Crystal Ball
A crystal ball has now become a favorite amongst many people as a device that is used to predict the future. Though the people who practice this ancient art are few and far away, those who believe in this art find their way to reach a person who makes the predictions. Debate always ensues about the authenticity of the information gathered but some swear by the readings they get. The people who practice this art have experience on their side, which adds a lot of value to this art and helps to give a precise answer to an extent.
Crystal gazing may be known as a dying art amongst some individuals but some people make an effort to keep it alive. They do so by introducing the crystal ball in various divination classes, creating props, and selling replicas too. Though not all the people who come across the artifacts will conduct research or make an effort to find out about this art those who do, help in keeping the legacy alive. People who practice the art of telling the future by gazing into crystals may be labeled lunatics, but that doesn’t stop them from pursuing their likes.
Since the crystal ball attracts attention where ever it goes, it has now found a new audience online as well. a lot of websites give the viewers a chance to ‘ask’ the crystal a question, to which they get a reply! Though this may not be accurate and the answers are all kept in a database, there is an element of fun and curiosity that comes with it. Some who may experience this online may want to try the real thing, and in the process, may ask someone to give them a reading!