Aries Men Are Fun and Exciting
The Aries male is dominant, hard-working, and for some people intimidating. He loves the outdoors and loves being active. He also loves to be chased rather than chasing women. He is extremely courageous and will not hesitate to engage in fights. He is muscular, strong-built, and physically very attractive. He has a magnetic personality. He loves making plans and being organized.
Aries's male profile would be incomplete if not mentioned his arrogance and his strong willpower. He is very ambitious and is the kind of person who would do anything to accomplish his goals. He is very charming and funny. He will always be popular among women. The Aries male profile also includes the fact that he cannot stick to one partner for a long time. He will always chase after new options. After all, variety is the spice of his life! He loves his freedom and will go to any level to attain it. He doesn’t like to be told and pampered. He likes it when he is left alone to take decisions. He hates to be bossed around. He is arrogant and also impulsive.
To be with Aries man could be exciting and fun, he loves adventure and is enthusiastic about almost everything. He prefers to keep quiet but once he gets started then he will not shut up. He can be extremely loving and caring if you touch his soul, otherwise, he will always seem to be cold and rather uninterested. If he is hurt he will say mean things and it is possible that he might not see his fault at all. Aries's male profile can be positive at times and can get ugly at times. He is impatient and has an unusual zest for life. Aries man is extremely courageous and is an honest person, if he is doing something wrong he will say it to your face and let you know about that. He hates to be tied down; he will have endless journeys and loves traveling. This man has a lot of egos and loves it when he has the reins. He can be too dominant at times. When in love he is passionate and caring he loves indulging in fantasies.
Aries male profile can be confusing at times because this particular Aries male is two things at the same time. He gets jealous easily and he expects his partner to be as dedicated as he is. When angry or hurt this particular man having a typical Aries male profile, will act passive, he will never like to damage a relationship, he will make sure the relationship is intact, just that he will be passive throughout. For this man nagging and acting dominant is the ultimate turn-off, let him live in the illusion that he is the boss and he rules, and this saves you from much of the hassles. He is a passionate lover and thus he needs a partner who will complement his passion.