Depression State of Mind
Depression is a state of mind of a person where he is in a low mood state when compared to his normal state. Depression is associated with the state of mind. A depressed person will not be able to carry out his regular activities as he was doing before and this will frustrate him even more. Generally, a person who is depressed will feel hollow and empty. Depression is generally associated with sadness but it is more than just being sad. Sadness and sorrow are just a part of a typical human being. By being depressed, one means being more than just sad. Depression starts as a psychological disorder and later has its own physical effects. When a person is depressed, the neurotransmitters which are developed by the brain will not be transferred all over the body which results in physical problems. These neurotransmitters are nothing but the electronic impulses which are developed from the brain.
Depression does not have any reason in particular. But there are a number of causes for depression. Always there is not a single cause for depression. Depression is always caused by a sequence of reasons. Sudden changes can cause depression. Whenever a person moves from one place to another for residing or a new workplace for a job, he is vulnerable to getting depression. Losing people close to your heart or missing close friends may even induce depression. Stress is one of the major factors which causes depression. When a person is subjected to more amount of stress, he is more vulnerable to get depression. People who are associated with stress-oriented jobs are more vulnerable to be depressed. They should be in such a way that they are able to handle the stress in a better manner.
People who are suffering from depression will have more negative feelings within themselves. They will be scared to tell their valid opinion in a gathering feeling that their opinion will be neglected. They will be scared to be in any gathering of unknown people. They will have a negative attitude toward the world. Depressed people will not enjoy their life and will always be in a restless mood.
Depression can also be transmitted from a father to his child as it is hereditary. The genes are transmitted from one generation to another and hence this issue should be addressed carefully. It is always advisable for someone with depression to consult a genetic engineer so that he is very careful in choosing his/her partner with a more dominating gene that overrides the recessive depression gene.
In the year 1961, Dr. Aaron T. Beck prepared a questionnaire that consists of 21 questions. This questionnaire is called the Beck Depression Inventory which is abbreviated as BDI. These questions are generally multiple-choice questions. These questions analyze the patients and give a score based on their mental depression level. The score when matched with the key scores gives the level of depression that is associated with a person.