no soul

I Swear They Had No Soul

by Feb 9, 2023Uncategorized

They Had No Soul

As Jamie walked around the department store, he saw a man that looked as though he had no soul. He kept on passing men and women through the aisles. However, one man kept on looking as though he was not even human. He had his hair buzzed like a military man and had this look in his eyes as though he had been at war for far too long. Something inside of him looked different. It was as though he was heartless. There was something about his spirit that looked weird to Jamie. Jamie could not put a finger on it. However, the man just kept on looking forward.
Jamie remembered this looked when he was in the military. He was only 20 years old back then and in the Navy. He knew that he had to somehow understand why a person has no soul. Was it even possible?

Jamie loved to read the Bible. He often wondered if Angels had a soul since humans are so much higher than them. He even asked himself if Nehalem had souls. If you remember, these were the men of renown that were spoken of in the book of Genesis in the Old Testament. This happened when the angels started to sleep around with human beings. This happened long ago.

Jamie wondered if it was even possible for a person not to have a soul. Jamie also wondered if this man was just full of hatred and was in his own world just wandering around on planet earth.

Jamie is not alone. Millions of people all over the world claim to have seen people without a soul. Perhaps it is something that is not true. After all, what does it really mean not to have a soul and what happens when you die? These questions and more ran through his mind.  Check out more psychic blog posts.

Acey Tia

Acey Tia

Acey Tia is a professional Psychic and Wig Specialist with over 10 years of experience in the beauty and metaphysical industry. She specializes in intuitive readings and wig styling. Acey Tia has a passion for helping others and enjoys providing guidance and insight to those seeking clarity and understanding. With her knowledge and expertise, she is dedicated to providing her clients with the best possible services in order to help them achieve their desired results.