College Internships
You would think that giving yourself free labor would be an easy find. However, college students today are finding it hard to even work for free. Every time that a company lists an internship for college students, there are around ten other college students applying for it. It doesn’t matter if it is paid or unpaid. Amazingly, many college students today are willing to work for free. The job market has come to a place where companies can be extremely selective in who they are going to hire and what they are willing to hire people for. It used to be easy for college students to find an internship back in the 1990s and even the early 2000s. In today’s world, it is a lot harder and statistics show that it is only going to get harder. Many people that obtained a bachelor’s degree are going back to school in order to get their master’s degree. Many MBA graduates are taking on entry-level management jobs in order to get their foot in the door. Where does this leave you if nobody is willing to take you on as an intern? For starters, you are going to have to create your own internship. Perhaps you are not meant to work for someone else. Maybe you have to use your entrepreneurial side and start your own company from the ground up. Sure, it is not easy. However, you can make it happen over time. Take your time when trying to work.