Leo Weekly Horoscope Week of 2024-10-28

by Oct 11, 2024Leo Weekly Horoscope0 comments

Leo Weekly Horoscope for October 28 – November 3, 2024

Dear Leo, this week brings a potent mix of energies that may significantly influence your personal and professional life. As the Sun continues its journey through Scorpio, your fourth house of home and family, you may find yourself drawn towards matters related to your domestic environment. This is an excellent time to focus on nurturing your relationships with family members and creating a harmonious atmosphere at home.

On October 28th, Mercury enters Sagittarius, lighting up your fifth house of creativity and romance. This transit may inspire you to express yourself more openly and creatively. If you've had ideas simmering in the background, now is the time to bring them to life. Don't be surprised if an old flame or a new romantic interest sparks your curiosity as the week progresses.

Mars, currently in Scorpio, forms a potent aspect with Saturn in Pisces on October 30th. This alignment underscores the importance of discipline and structure, particularly in your emotional life and home affairs. You might feel the urge to put in extra effort to solidify your foundations. Be patient and diligent, as rewards may come from focused and persistent action.

The lunar energies will peak with a New Moon in Scorpio on November 1st. This lunation is a powerful time to set new intentions related to your home life, personal security, and emotional well-being. Consider what you wish to transform or build from the ground up. The New Moon offers a fresh start in areas where you desire growth and change.

Later in the week, Venus in Virgo harmonizes with Jupiter in Gemini, gifting you with opportunities for social connections and expanding your network. This alignment encourages you to engage in conversations that broaden your horizons and bring new perspectives. Surround yourself with those who inspire and support your aspirations.

By the end of the week, the energy should feel more balanced as the Moon passes through Sagittarius, elevating your mood and inspiring a sense of adventure. Embrace spontaneity and allow yourself to explore new experiences. This is a moment to break free from routine and reignite your passion for life.

Throughout the week, prioritize self-care and allow yourself the space to recharge. Trust that the cosmos supports your journey, bringing rejuvenation and transformation where needed. Stay open to the possibilities, dear Leo, as the universe has exciting opportunities in store for you.

For the week of October 28 – November 3, 2024, here are some key insights and tips for Leos:

Home and Family Focus

As the Sun continues through Scorpio, your fourth house of home and family, you will likely find yourself deeply involved in domestic matters. This is an ideal time to nurture your relationships with family members, resolve any ongoing issues, and create a more harmonious home environment. Invest time in activities that strengthen family bonds and contribute to a peaceful living space.

Creative and Romantic Spark

On October 28th, Mercury enters Sagittarius, illuminating your fifth house of creativity and romance. This transit can inspire you to express yourself more creatively and openly. If you have been harboring creative ideas or projects, now is the perfect time to bring them to life. Additionally, this period may see a resurgence of interest in romantic pursuits, whether it's rekindling an old flame or exploring new connections.

Discipline and Structure

Mars in Scorpio forms a significant aspect with Saturn in Pisces on October 30th. This alignment emphasizes the importance of discipline and structure, particularly in your emotional life and home affairs. You may feel the need to put in extra effort to solidify your foundations and create a more stable environment. Be patient and diligent, as consistent and focused action will yield rewards in the long run.

New Moon in Scorpio

The New Moon in Scorpio on November 1st is a powerful time for setting new intentions related to your home life, personal security, and emotional well-being. Use this lunation to reflect on what you want to transform or build from the ground up. It's an excellent opportunity to set fresh goals and initiate changes that will enhance your sense of security and emotional stability.

Social Connections and Networking

Later in the week, Venus in Virgo harmonizes with Jupiter in Gemini, presenting opportunities for social connections and network expansion. This alignment encourages you to engage in conversations that broaden your horizons and bring new perspectives. Surround yourself with people who inspire and support your aspirations, and be open to new social engagements that could lead to valuable connections.

Balanced Energy and Adventure

As the Moon passes through Sagittarius towards the end of the week, your mood is likely to elevate, and you may feel a renewed sense of adventure. This is a great time to break free from routine and explore new experiences. Allow yourself to be spontaneous and open to new opportunities, as this can reignite your passion for life and bring fresh excitement into your daily activities.

Tips and Additional Considerations


Prioritize self-care during this week. With the intense focus on home and family, along with the creative and romantic sparks, it's essential to ensure you have the emotional and physical energy to handle these various aspects. Make time for activities that help you recharge, such as meditation, exercise, or hobbies that bring you joy.


With Mercury in Sagittarius, communication will be more expansive and optimistic. Use this energy to express yourself clearly and positively, especially in creative and romantic pursuits. However, be mindful of Mercury's potential to slow down as it approaches its retrograde phase, which could lead to minor communication mishaps or delays.

Emotional Balance

Given the Mars-Saturn aspect, it's crucial to maintain emotional balance. Practice patience and understanding, especially in your interactions with family members or in situations that require discipline and structure. Emotional stability will help you navigate any challenges more effectively.

Gratitude and Positivity

Venus's harmony with Jupiter suggests a period of good fortune and positive interactions. Cultivate a sense of gratitude and positivity, as these energies can attract more favorable outcomes in your social and professional life.

By staying focused on these areas and being open to the opportunities and challenges presented, you can navigate this week with greater ease and set yourself up for long-term growth and success.

Q: What should Leos focus on in their personal lives this week?
A: Leos should focus on nurturing relationships with family members and creating a harmonious atmosphere at home, as the Sun is in Scorpio, highlighting your fourth house of home and family.

Q: How will Mercury entering Sagittarius on October 28th affect Leos?
A: Mercury entering Sagittarius will light up your fifth house of creativity and romance, inspiring you to express yourself more openly and creatively. It's also a good time for romantic interests or rekindling old flames.

Q: What is the significance of the Mars alignment with Saturn on October 30th for Leos?
A: The alignment between Mars in Scorpio and Saturn in Pisces emphasizes the importance of discipline and structure in emotional life and home affairs. Leos may feel the urge to solidify foundations with patience and diligence.

Q: How can the New Moon in Scorpio on November 1st impact Leos?
A: The New Moon in Scorpio is a time for Leos to set new intentions related to home life, personal security, and emotional well-being. It offers a fresh start for growth and change in desired areas.

Q: How does Venus in Virgo harmonizing with Jupiter in Gemini benefit Leos socially?
A: This alignment provides Leos with opportunities for social connections and expanding their network. It encourages engaging in conversations that bring new perspectives and surrounding oneself with inspiring people.

Q: What should Leos embrace by the end of the week?
A: By the end of the week, as the Moon passes through Sagittarius, Leos should embrace spontaneity, explore new experiences, and break free from routine to reignite their passion for life.

Q: What overall advice is given to Leos for the week?
A: Leos are advised to prioritize self-care, allow themselves space to recharge, and stay open to possibilities, trusting that the universe has exciting opportunities in store, bringing rejuvenation and transformation.

Tom Killingsworth

Tom Killingsworth


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